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                    MICE              INFO

          Brown  RAT             INFO


Mice can have on average a nest between 4 to 15 young and if left

untreated or not noticed can result in lots of damage, for example; 

Utility Pipes, Wiring, Furniture, Carpets

and Lofts....

This can also result in bad Odours and 

a build up of urine pillars due to Mice

spending long periods in the same locations...

Being Sporadic feeders multiple baits

are required, as Mice will potentially

consume small amounts of Poison from 

each monitor and if not Baited properly,

 will result in bait shyness and potentially cause the problem to escalate.


One of the main entry points into homes

are the Air Bricks or holes around pipes.

Once through the holes in air bricks, mice can ingress into wall cavities, lofts and electrical intake cupboards..


Once Mice are Eradicated from your

home or business Proofing of all entry

points can be discussed..






The most common Rat in this part of

England is the Brown Rat..

These Rodents are only second to Humans in the Mammal world and have a natural ability to find there way into your home or garden.

Rats will normally live near a food and water site,but will travel distance if not available nearby..

There front teeth known as Incisors can gnaw through Aluminium, Concrete, Brick, and your Electrical Cables.

The Four front Teeth have to be reduced by gnawing or lock jaw sets in causing the Rodent to starve and eventually death..



Normally 3 to 4 visits are sufficient to Eradicate Rats from your Premises, but also depending on entry points and access..

Followed by advice on how to prevent future Rodent Ingress Points...

Black Garden Ants

Lasius Niger

The Queens can have a lifespan of up to 15 years..

Normally Nesting under the perimeters of your Property or the Garden.

Nests average between 3000 to 7000,but some Colonies are much larger and run into 10 s of thousands of Workers run by the Dominant Queen.



Normally 1 Treatment is sufficient

to Eradicate Insects from Nests, however there are cases where the Nest is under flooring or Patio, so a more Technical Product would be applied on regular visits called a Insect Growth Regulator;; IGR which kills the Queen and Larvae..

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Contact us for a free estimate.

With our office based in Radlett we cover all of Hertfordshire and Middlesex.

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